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About Us

Macchalis International was founded in 2003, rejuvenating ship management excellence in Nigeria, Africa and the World.

Ship at Port

Our Mission

Macchalis International is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commision of Nigeria, Registration Number: RC 494207.

Excellent Staff

Our operations department consists of multi-lingual, technically trained staff with many years of expertise in the ship bunkering and chandling industry.

Our staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service. We attribute the success of our operations department to their ability to work quickly and diligently in coordinating shipments and deliveries.

The operations team is equipped with the latest technology, making sure we respond effectively in any manner, at all times.


Macchalis International is one of Sub-Sahara’s largest privately owned companies

Our Clients

Sopetro Marine
Union Maritime Agency, Ltd
Azimuth Shipping, Ltd
Integrated Oil & Gas
Lamip Investment Ltd
Cockett Marine Oil Limited (UK)
Fine Shade Energy Ltd
Zenon Petroleum & Gas
Dan Bunkering, Denmark


M.R.S Shiping Line Ltd

Within a time period of 12 months, Macchalis International has handled over one hundred (100) tankers.